
Monday, 29 July 2013


Many of us live below our potentialities and fail to express our talents effectively; the factors responsible for these are many and by themselves they can make a large volume. To corroborate my point of view, I would like to bring in Einstein's famous saying that you cannot judge the genius of a fish from its ability to climb tree. That is to say a fish should be judged as a fish from its ability to swim and survive in water; but most pertinently Einstein also means that fish has the genius in it or by expanding his idea one can say, that all of us have the genius or talent within us to flourish and reach our desired destinations. But our life chances always do not appropriately unfold to support our hidden talent and things go wrong in life; most of us grope in darkness without self discovery.

I remember having read an anecdote about a very successful medical doctor who was awarded a very covetous award for his contribution to medical science. While receiving the award the doctor broke into tears. Everyone in the gathering believed that the doctor was overwhelmed with joy and the tears rolled down as a climatic expression of his joy. But the doctor clarified later that the award winning ceremony flashed back his childhood obsession to be a poet, and his persistent effort to succeed in the field of medicine has successively killed the poetic soul within him.

This aforesaid anecdote has two fold meanings-- it recognizes that even if you flow against the current of the stream still you can succeed and achieve excellence with adequate efforts and dedication; but the calling from within you will always remain unfulfilled. We humans confront two issues in our lives, in this context-- a) despite our social and financial success we experience an overpowering emptiness all our life owing to the wastage of the unique talents each one of us has like the uniqueness of our finger prints. b) If we make self discovery and follow our callings, we naturally align ourselves with our talent and achieve far greater success and fulfillment in life. One may face many social criticisms by pursuing one's heart but that should not deter a strong believer of his/her talent to fumble on the way.

Therefore, history says that many great geniuses of the world are never very educated people, nor have they come from very affluent families. They have achieved great feats in life being guided by the diktat of their heart or soul. When someone is guided by his/her naturally endowed talent and the inner voice he/she would tend to ooze an aura of confidence, being magnetized by unflinching belief.

Such people prioritize their needs in life to reach their destinations and fulfill their purpose in life. But, these people should not be judged by the material yardstick of the society; their successes always surpass our ordinary material references to success. Let us not always expect a fish to climb trees.       

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