We have been
hearing about the "New Age" thinking, and the worldview of the human
race across the globe is shifting. The old mechanistic view of the Universe,
which ruled the thought process of mankind for over two centuries, is fast
crumbling down. The physicists from eighteenth century onward expressed their
unflinching confidence to explain the universe through the laws of physics and
the thought process of the world was dominated by the scientific rationalism
pushing out the old world wisdom of philosophy, metaphysics, religious
mysticism to the back ground.
Any period
in history is dominated by its thought leaders and the trend of thoughts
manifests itself in various aspects of life of that epoch. The mechanistic
rationalism of science resulted in rising materialism in society and its
concomitant evil of greed, decadence of moral and ethical values of the
society. The corruption we talk about so vociferously is a by product of the dominant
thought trend of this period. But these thought trends of the past are changing
decisively and new thoughts waves are progressively percolating into social
consciousness. To quote a few examples to elaborate this-- the dominant thought
movers, up to, and of the twentieth century-- Karl Marx, Sigmund Freud, Charles
Darwin, Descartes, even Newton have lost their relevance against the emerging
"New Age" thinking.
The change
is very palpable but at the same time very chaotic. On the positive direction,
mankind has become very conscious about the protection of the ecology and the
environment-- a clear departure from the mindless exploitation of Nature for
industrial advancement. The patriarchal concept of gender inequality, putting
women subservient to men has been replaced by the acceptance of feminine as the
symbol of Nature-- eco-feminism. The concept of the Universe as a mechanical
system has been substituted by Universe as an information system and Earth as a
living entity. The certainty principles of science have been overshadowed by
the probabilistic tenet of quantum mechanics. The intriguing DNA mystery is a
definite blow to the long-cherished anthropomorphic view of mankind. The new
Creationist theory putting the handiwork of an intelligent designer at the
centre stage has already posed formidable challenge to the established
evolutionary theory. The decline of the yesteryear superpowers is a body blow
to the political and economic equation of the world. Added to these, the
empowerment of the terrorist groups, the nuclear ambitions of some
fundamentalists, failed and rogue nations are disturbing trends for the peace
and security of the world. Even the futurists fear that the hyper-intelligent
Robots will subjugate human beings in a few decades.
We are
living in a world in transition; it is not easy for the world order to
stabilize smoothly embracing the new thoughts, ideas, and changes and to
overcome the menace of terrorism, nuclear warfare without paying the price for
these widespread changes. At no period in human history the transition was such
All forms of
governance and economic isms look deficient in application for the emerging
“New Age”. No leader can lead effectively without imbibing the new wave of
thoughts and the leadership crisis will sweep the world under its feet. The
current level of leadership will lead the world to agonising chaos and anarchy.
Maybe a new race of leadership with strong spiritual wisdom will emerge to lead
mankind in the right direction.
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