Human beings, of all creatures on earth, are most unsecured because of their higher level of consciousness than other animals. Well, animals do not pray God because they live naturally, die naturally and do not have many of human vices. A tiger does not compare itself with a horse either to feel superior or inferior. They do not go to schools to get grades, they do not go to office or place of occupation to earn their livelihood. The reason for saying all these is to emphasize on the point that our social transactions and complex psychological needs are the main reasons for our God reliance.
Further, our mental abilities have not evolved to the extent to unlock the mysteries of the universe and at some point we have to surrender for our ignorance and limitation-- from that point God takes over. Therefore, the concept and idea of God have changed and evolved with the changing times. The tribal people, living in forests all over the world, indulged in totem worship. These tribes when moved out of their habitats to distant regions for settlement worshiped the forces of nature, the mystery of which always baffled them. Thus sun, moon, ocean, wind, thunder trees etc were worshiped as God. The best example is the Aryan Gods which were imported into India and are still worshiped by the Hindus. Before the advent of Christianity and Islam the Romans, the Greeks, the Egyptians, the Sumerians, the Babylonians, the Aztecs, the Incas, the Mayas had their own Gods and Goddesses. These Gods and Goddesses became obsolete with the new waves of religions. If God is Absolute how can He be subject to such successive changes in forms and contents from time to time?
As per the discoveries of astrophysics, the universe was created out of a "Big Bang" some 13.7 billion years age from a non-dimensional, almost non-existent point. And no one knows what energy was packed in that non-dimensional point to explode into the infinite universe. This point of singularity is the energy of the universe. This energy is what permeates the entire universe and all material non-material, living, non-living things in the universe are the manifestation of this energy only in different forms-- one becoming many This energy is colorless, odorless, formless but vibrant, creative, omnipotent and omnipresent. This energy has also defined the laws that govern the universe. To me this energy is the Creator, Contrary to the popular belief God does not have any form, he does not need to be worshiped.
When people say that they had the experience of God, or spirituality, they only refer to the experience of the higher state of energy latent in all of us, including the living and the non living creatures. As an example, a dried seed which is practically lifeless is packed with the potential of life and creativity in latent state. The whole history of the tree it represents and the indeterminable future of its species is encoded in it. When this seed under congenial conditions sprouts into manifested life from the unmanifested, it is the spiritual experience for the seed. Similarly, the energy that is packed inside us in latent form when gets awakened, either through conscious techniques or spontaneously, we call it spiritual experience or God experience. Therefore, I believe that no God exists in consonance with our conventional perception.
I suspect that the staunch believers of conventional God will ask me-- who created that point of singularity from which all energy, all governing laws of the universe, all morphology have emerged? My question to them is-- if God created every thing, who created Him and the question will be extended to infinity.
For me God is that non-dimensional point of energy which exploded from unfathomable depth of the void and the entire creation unfolded. It is colorless, odorless, formless and beyond time and space, though is capable of creating time and space. I hope, I am not far from God nor shall be labeled as an atheist.
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